Family, Hope, Looking Forward To.., Thankful

Celebrating a Birthday…

Left to Right: Sister C, me, Sister L, Friend S, Friend B

In just a few hours, I will officially be 58 years old.  When I was growing up, I loved birthdays.  My younger sister would make me the most wonderful cakes.  I know it sounds a little strange, but my favorite birthday cake was Animal, the muppet drummer.  Of all my birthday gifts, there are two that I remember the most; a pink flowered dress and a sewing machine.

Dad and I had just finished one of our father-daughter lunches, and as we walked past the department store window, I saw the most beautiful pink flowered dress.  Being such a girly girl, I instantly fell in love with the dress.  Oh, how I wanted that dress for my birthday.  My family was comfortable, but I wouldn’t say we were wealthy and being frugal was ‘just who we were’.  I knew I wouldn’t get the dress for my birthday, but I let dad know my desire anyway.  Week after week, anytime we would pass the display window, I would ask again for the dress.  Each and every time, dad would gently remind me that we just didn’t have the money for the dress.  But I could wish and hope, couldn’t I?

The day of my party arrived.  I had a couple of girls over from my second grade class.  We played Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey, ran around the backyard, squealed with delight, giggled, donned party hats and had a blast.  As I opened the last gift, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There in the box was the pink flowered dress!  I wore that dress every chance I got, and I will never forget that mom and dad gave me my heart’s desire.

My 22nd birthday was a month after H and I were married.  I have visions of a romantic birthday gift that would make me feel like H’s queen.  The box was big and heavy, and I couldn’t figure out what was inside, but again, we were newlyweds.  It had to be spectacular and thoughtful and wonderful and…it was a sewing machine.  Not a Singer sewing machine, it was an off brand.  Needless to say I was a bit taken aback and tremendously disappointed.  I kept thinking, “This is all I mean to you; a sewing machine!”  I hate to admit it, but I wasn’t very gracious about that birthday gift.  After a few months, I realized that the sewing machine was just what I needed.  I started sewing for friends and used my talents to earn extra money for H and me.  The machine was a blessing in disguise.  Thirty-six years later, that sewing machine is still part of our household.  I have sewn clothing for our family, decorator items for our home, quilts for our beds, and gifts for friends and family.

Both of these gifts remind me of God.  God gave His only Son for me.  Just like my family had to make sacrifices for my birthday gift, Jesus gave his life so I could know of His love; so I could celebrate not only my earthly birthday, but my born-again birthday as well.  I also think about my prayer journal revealing my heart’s desires and how God has answered so many of those prayers.  He is a good God.  And just like the sewing machine that I didn’t understand or even want; God gives us things or allows circumstances that we need even when we don’t realize it.

So, as I celebrate turning 58, I eagerly look forward to where my walk with God will take me this next year.


James 1:17-21  (ESV)
“17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.”

Until Next Time,



Encouragement, Little Moments, Thankful

Little Moments #244-274

It’s the Little Things #244
Sharing a private moment with my husband as he laid his mother to rest today. Honoring his father’s tradition of placing 3 small rocks on her casket after it was lowered into the ground.

Making a very difficult decision and the minute you commit, a huge weight is instantly lifted from your shoulders and your entire countenance changes. When asked if you are sure about said decision, the answer is a resounding “YES”.

Talking with students at recess about the beauty of the blue sky through the green leaves and finding frog shaped clouds in the sky.

Taking a little time out of a jam-packed day to savor my first hot chai tea of the season and reflect on the many blessings in my life.

Spending time with precious people who love God. About to get our worship on this morning.

A day during allergy season when I don’t have to take Benadryl for my itching eyes.

Embracing there is more than one way to accomplish something.
Finally after working on a project for a couple of hours with a downloaded template, I figured out how to do the same thing in “word”. Success!
Then I hit save and everything reverted back to a mixed up mess. The good part, I had already printed what I need for this week.

The cool side of your pillow on a hot night.

Air conditioning and a tall glass of ice water after being outside in oppressive, sticky heat.

While my husband and I were paying for our groceries, we simultaneously broke out into the song being played over the PA. The best part, the clerk joined us in our rendition of “The Things We Do For Love”. Happy Friday, make it a memorable one.

Thirsting for truth.

When your husband brings home pizza from your favorite pizza place instead of his favorite pizza place.

Lunches and dinner prepared for Monday on a Sunday night.

Little sprouts peeking out from under the dark rich soil, and hearing the students squeal with excitement at the prospect of eating a fall harvest salad toward the end of October.

When one student tells you she brought enough money for another student so the other student would not have to pay for the field trip. She wanted her random act of kindness to be kept anonymous. What a special treat and a kind-hearted student!

Cotija cheese on corn on the cob. Come to think of it…Cotija cheese on anything!

A free McDonalds’ milkshake. On our way to my nephew’s wedding, we stopped to get one milkshake and the cashier gave us a second one for free. Thank you McDonalds!

#261 Celebrating love today.

Sleeping in your own bed with your own pillow after being away on a trip.

The first red leaves of fall!

Finally getting home from work, kicking off my shoes and eating a bowl of Oat Squares while watching The Voice.

Meeting someone for the first time, and instantly you discover things you have in common.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the 266th day of the year, and since this is a leap year, we will officially have 100 days left in 2016. 100 days, 2,400 hours, 144,000 minutes, 8,640,000 seconds to restart your New Year’s resolutions that got away from you, to learn something new, to reconnect with an old friend, to change a bad habit, to travel to that place you have always wanted to visit, to give to your favorite charity, and to be the best you. Wishing you all an exciting, life-changing next 100 days.

#267 A dog sitter on speed dial who was able to let our dog out so my husband could join me on my trip down to Mom’s.

Looking through old photographs and reliving wonderful memories.
1980 Jr. Miss Pageant (S is participating, so she is not in the photo). All five of us participated in this pageant during our Senior years of high school.

“Hearing” the quiet at the end of a busy day.

Having a sibling of one of my students bring me a handmade card today that said, “Smile God Loves You.”

I am a child of God. 

Waking up smiling.

#273 Eating take out dinner by candle light due to an explained power outage.

The clerk at Joann Fabric’s giving me the 25% discount even though I didn’t have the coupon.

A chilly evening, hot chocolate, favorite tattered afghan, and a good book.

Looking out the window first thing in the morning; the outside world is hidden in dense fog waiting to be discovered at its whim.

Being reunited with Blue Apron after being off a couple of weeks due to travel. Yes, another week I don’t have to go to the grocery.

Until Next Time,
